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Best Face Packs For a Pimple-Free Skin

Most of the teenagers or adults around the world suffer from acne problems. But only a few of them know how to rightly deal with them. Most of them do things that further trigger their acne and make it worst. Though chemical creams and lotions cure acne quickly, the results are not permanent and repeated use of these chemicals can severely damage the skin. Skin becomes more sensitive and reduces the collagen production. The result is premature ageing, easy sun damage, dryness, itching, peeling, pigmentation and many more harmful things. Though you use antibiotics or creams for severe acne, it is advisable to take care of your skin in a natural way to safely avoid pimples.acne remedies
Homemade natural face packs will mostly work for you if used regularly. It is good to avoid pimples in a natural way with these face packs. Here are the best face packs for pimples:
1. Salt mask:
Take a tbsp of sea salt or common salt. Mix with a 2 tbsp of water and leave for 10 minutes to get it dissolved slightly. Apply this wet salt mask over clean face and let it dry. Rinse well. Salt is a natural cleanser and antibiotic. It kills the bacteria and sterilizes the skin naturally avoiding acne to a great extent.
2. Egg white mask:
Egg whites removes excess oil and deep cleanses the pores. Egg whites is also a mild astringent and tones the skin. Beat an egg white and apply evenly over the face. Leave until t is dry and rinse with lukewarm water. Avoid using egg yolk on acne prone skin.
3. Yogurt and brewer’s yeast mask:brewer's yeast
Brewer’s yeast (buy online) is rich in 100% natural nutrients. It is a fungus used in the production of beer. It contains high levels of chromium and is an excellent cure for acne or pimples. For every 1 tbsp of brewer’s yeast, add 1 tbsp of yogurt or buttermilk. Mix well and apply on clean face. Leave until dry and wash. Repeat at least 3-4 times a week for best results.
4. Cinnamon and honey mask:
Honey has antibacterial properties and targets the bacteria causing acne. Cinnamon is also a great antibacterial and also improves the blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin. Cinnamon honey mask not only cures pimples, but also lightens the acne scars. Regular use promises you a clear glowing skin and also protects the skin from premature ageing.. Add 1 tbsp cinnamon powder to 2 tbsp honey. Mix well and apply evenly over the face. Leave for 15 minutes and wash. This mask may cause burning sensation and it should be avoided on broken skin.
5. Baking soda mask:
Baking soda is a natural deep cleanser. It removes the excess oil and dirt and prevents acne or pimples. All you need is a little baking soda and water. Mix 1 tbsp of baking soda and 1 tbsp of water. Apply this over clean face and leave until dry. Rinse with water.
6. Tea tree oil, yogurt and clay mask:clay mask
Tea tree oil is an excellent antibacterial and works great in clearing the acne or pimples. Yogurt deep cleanses the skin and makes it fresh. Clay gently removes excess oil and also removes stubborn dirt from deep inside the pores. In a small bowl, add 2 tbsp of clay. Add 2 tbsp of yogurt and 8-10 drops of tea tree oil to it. Mix water as required to make it a smooth mask. Apply this over the face and leave for 20 minutes or until it is dry. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water

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