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DIY Rose Water: Tips To Make It And Use It For Skin Care

DIY Rose Water Tips To Make It And Use It For Skin Care
Roses are red, and water is blue. And when you blend them, what do you get? Any clue? You get a beauty potion that works like magic for your skin. I am talking about rosewater.
Michelangelo sipped it with his tea. Cleopatra, the famous Egyptian queen, swore by its magical properties. The Mughal queens mixed it with river silt to make the most rejuvenating beauty packs for their skin.
A bottle of pure and authentic rose water has immense benefits. And the good news is, you can make it at home without any fuss. Scroll down to find out how.

Table Of Contents

  • Benefits Of Rose Water
  • Best Roses For Preparing Rosewater
  • How To Make Rose Water At Home: DIY Recipes
  • Tips To Use Rose Water

Benefits Of Rose Water

1. It Is Loaded With Antioxidants

A study found that rose petals and the oil extracted from the rose contain important antioxidants that prevent cell damage and have therapeutic effects (1).

2. Rose Water Has Anti-Aging Properties

When applied topically, rose water works like magic in reducing wrinkles and has an astringent effect on the capillaries just below the surface of your skin (2).

3. It Has Antibacterial Properties

And that’s why it helps your wounds heal faster when applied topically. It can treat the infection caused by burns and cuts and reduce scars pretty soon (3).

4. Rose Water Is Anti-Inflammatory

It helps reduce skin inflammation, redness, and puffiness. The antibacterial property of rose water also helps in preventing acne (4).

5. It Uplifts Your Mood

A study has found that rose petal extract has anti-anxiety properties and is an antidepressant. The study conducted on mice found that rose petal extracts relaxed their central nervous system (5).
Undoubtedly, rose water has been known for centuries as the elixir of youth and a magical potion for many health ailments.
Here comes the exciting part – making rose water at home is not difficult. However, make sure that you choose the right roses for making it. You can use the following varieties of roses to prepare the rose water.
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Best Roses For Preparing Rosewater

  • Damask Roses: Leda, Hebe’s Lip, Jaques Cartier, Madame Hardy, and Celsiana.
  • Moss Roses: Henri Martin, Alfred de Dalmas, William Lobb, and Chapeau de Napoleon.
  • Other Roses: Comte de Chambord, Madame Isaac Pereire, and Reine des Violettes.
All these roses are known for their heavenly fragrance and are excellent for making rose water. Here are some recipes you can try at home.
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How To Make Rose Water At Home: DIY Recipes

There are mainly two processes that you can follow to make rose water at home.

1. Simmering Method

Simmering MethodPinit
You Will Need
  • 7-8 roses
  • About 1.5 liters of distilled water (or enough to cover the roses)
  1. Remove all the petals and wash them lightly under lukewarm water.
  2. Put the petals in a large pot and pour distilled water in it (just enough to cover them and not more).
  3. Cover it and let the water simmer on low heat until the petals have lost all their color.
  4. Strain the liquid and discard the petals.
  5. Store in a glass jar.

2. Distilling Method

Distilling MethodPinit
You Will Need
  • 5 cups rose petals
  • Distilled water (enough to cover the petals)
  • Ice cubes
  • A large pot with lid
  • A clean stone or a brick
  • A glass bowl that can tolerate heat (use one with a shallow bottom and wide mouth)
  • Glass jar(s)
  1. Place the stone or the brick in the middle of the pot and keep the glass bowl on top of it.
  2. Arrange the rose petals around the brick. Don’t put any into the bowl.
  3. Pour distilled water to cover the rose petals. Make sure the water is just above the top of the brick or stone.
  4. Invert the lid and place it on the pot. Add ice on top of the inverted lid (the steam will collect on the lid surface and then funnel down to its center and drop on the bowl).
  5. Add more ice when it melts. Keep doing this until the process is over.
  6. Boil the water and then let it simmer on low heat for at least 20-30 minutes.
  7. Store the rose water in a glass jar. It can last up to 6 months if stored in the refrigerator.
Caution: While removing the lid, make sure that the ice water doesn’t drip into the bowl.
From herbal teas to face packs, you can use rose water anywhere and in any way you want to. Here’s how you can use it for skin care and other things.
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Tips To Use Rose Water

1. As A Skin Toner

As A Skin TonerPinit
You Will Need
  • 100 mL rose water
  • Spray bottle
  • 8-10 drops rose oil
  • 8-10 drops lavender oil (optional)
  1. Mix all the ingredients and pour the mixture into the spray bottle.
  2. Spray the toner on your face and neck in the morning and evening.

2. For Reducing Under-Eye Bags

You Will Need
  • Chilled rose water
  • Cotton pads
  1. Soak the cotton pads in the chilled rose water.
  2. Place them on your eyelids.
  3. Let them stay for as long as you want and let your eyes enjoy the soothing effect.

3. As A Makeup Remover

You Will Need
  • 2 teaspoons rose water
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  1. Melt the coconut oil.
  2. Add the rosewater to it and blend well.
  3. Dip a cotton pad in the blend and wipe your makeup with it.

4. For Extra Moisturization

For Extra MoisturizationPinit
You Will Need
  • Your favorite cream (night or day cream)
  • 2 teaspoons rose water
Mix rose water with your cream and apply it to keep your skin refreshed.

5. As A Hair Rinse

You Will Need
2 tablespoons rose water per cup of water (adjust the quantity accordingly)
  1. Mix rose water with regular water.
  2. After you have thoroughly shampooed and conditioned your hair, rinse your hair with the rosewater mix (it leaves behind a very delicate smell).

6. As A Body Moisturizer

You Will Need
  • 2 tablespoons almond oil
  • 1 tablespoon rose water
Mix the oil with rose water and massage it all over your body.

7. Anti-Aging Serum

Anti-Aging SerumPinit
You Will Need
  • 1 tablespoon almond or avocado oil
  • 1 tablespoon rosewater
  • 25 drops rosehip oil
  • 5 drops ylang-ylang oil
  • 5 drops geranium essential oil
  1. Mix all the ingredients in a bottle.
  2. If the blend is not fragrant enough, add a little more rosewater.
  3. Apply it all over your face and neck.
  4. Remember to shake well before using.

8. For Treating Stubborn Acne

You Will Need
  • 1 tablespoon rose water
  • 1 tablespoon chickpea flour
  • 1 teaspoon orange juice
  • ½ teaspoon glycerine
  • A pinch of turmeric
  1. Blend all the ingredients to make a creamy paste. If the consistency is too thick, add more rosewater to it.
  2. Clean your face and apply the pack, focusing on the affected area.
  3. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes and then wash off.
  4. Apply rose water as a toner.

9. For Soothing Your Sunburn

You Will Need
  • ¼ cup rose water
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • ½ tablespoon aloe vera juice
  • 10 drops lavender oil
    1. Add all the ingredients to a bottle and shake well.
  1. Apply to the affected areas.

10. Natural Body Perfume

Natural Body PerfumePinit
You Will Need
  • 50 mL rosewater
  • 50 mL coconut milk
  • A fistful of dried rose petals
  1. Prepare a soak by pouring all the ingredients in the bathtub.
  2. Scatter the dried rose petals on top, lie back and relax!

11. Use It In Food Items

You Will Need
1 tablespoon rose water
Whether it is custard, cake mixes, lemonade, or just simple and plain yogurt, add a tablespoon of rose water for added flavor.
So, that’s how versatile the simple rose water is. Do you know any other way to use it? What’s your favorite rose water beauty recipe? Share with me in the comments section below. And watch out for more such beauty and skin care tips. Till then, glow like a rose!
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Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

How to store rosewater?
Store it in a glass jar in the refrigerator.
How long does rosewater last?
If you use the simmering process, it may last up to a week or two, and if you use the distillation method to make it, you can preserve it for up to 6 months.
Can I use this rose water for cooking?
Yes, this rose water can be used for cooking, particularly for flavoring cakes, cookies, and any other dishes.
Which rose petals can be used for making rosewater?
Choose organic roses only. You can choose from any of the variants listed in the article.
What is the difference between simmering (or steeping) and distilling methods?
The rosewater made with the distilling method is true rosewater that contains all the beneficial factors of the rose flower and is more potent than the rosewater you get from the simmering method. Also, it is a bit more complicated as compared to the simmering method

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