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How To Achieve The Perfect Nail Shape

How To Achieve The Perfect Nail Shape

iWell manicured nails say a lot about a person.
It’s the best accessory one can flaunt. You may try and deny it, but the moment you see a pair of filthy, unkempt-looking nails, you aren’t exactly going to jump at the opportunity of signing a partnership with this person! So, having perfectly manicured nails is your new beauty goal. However, the variety of nail shapes that you can opt for may plague you. Square? Oval? Squoval? To the uninformed, it could be very confusing, but worry not! We have got you covered. Here’s a complete rundown on the various nail shapes. Let’s check them out, shall we?
Different Nail Shapes
  • Acrylic Nails: When you have very brittle nails, and you want to go for various nail shape options, it’s best that you go for acrylic nails. They are quite sturdy, and the chances of them breaking are very less.

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